
July 21, 2021


Washington, D.C. - Maggie’s List, a federal political action committee (PAC), today announces 3 endorsements for candidates for federal office during the 2022 election cycle. The organization is proud to stand behind these strong, female candidates who stand for conservative principles.

Maggie’s List officially endorses the following candidates:

  • Rep. Vikki Hartzler for U.S. Senator from Missouri
  • Virginia State Senator Jen Kiggans for Virginia’s 2nd District
  • Tina Ramirez for Virginia’s 7th District
  • Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers for Washington’s 5th District

“We are thrilled to add these dynamic women to our list of endorsed candidates for the critical 2022 election cycle. These women will continue working towards a future that honors our values of fiscal conservatism, less government, more personal responsibility and strong national security,” says Sandra B. Mortham, Chairman of Maggie’s List and former Florida Secretary of State.

Since the election of President Trump in 2016, Maggie’s List has seen a rise in the number of conservative women running for office. In light of the #MeToo movement, women’s activism is more important than ever.

According to the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP), women comprise more than 56% of all voters, but less than 27% of our representation. Maggie’s List’s mission is to equalize those numbers and empower women to take a stand and run for what they believe in.

About Maggie’s List:

Maggie’s List is a federal PAC created to raise awareness and funds to increase the number of conservative women elected to federal public office. Since 2010, this national group of dedicated women have had an outstanding record for endorsing successful candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Maggie’s List supports women candidates who stand for fiscal conservatism, less government, more personal responsibility and strong national security. For more information on Maggie’s List, please visit, follow @maggieslist1 and like
