
September 28, 2020


Washington,D.C. — Maggie’s List, a federal political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing fiscally conservative women to federal office, is proud to announce the endorsement of Amanda Adkins for Kansas’ 3rd CongressionalDistrict.


AmandaL. Adkins is a businesswoman, mother and social entrepreneur. For the past 15years, Amanda worked as an executive at Cerner Corporation, a global, KansasCity-based health care and information technology company. As Vice President ofStrategic Growth, Adkins worked with employers and healthcare providers to improve health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs.

Adkins is the former chairwoman of the Kansas Republican Party, where she achieved unprecedented election success while serving two terms from 2009-2013. She led a “CleanSweep” in the 2010 election cycle winning all federal and statewide races. UnderAdkins' leadership, the KS GOP also increased its majority in the KansasLegislature, gaining 16 seats.


"Maggie's List is a power house in the election of conservative women to Congress," saidAdkins. "I'm honored to have its support in our fight to retake KS-03 and restore conservative, results-focused representation for Kansas City families."


In addition to her full-time career, Amanda isa social entrepreneur. Based on her experience as Chair of the State of KansasChildren’s Cabinet, in 2019 Amanda founded the Systems of Care Initiative(SOCI), a nonprofit organization that aligns business leaders with high-performance early learning organizations dedicated to improving school readiness of young children. SOCI makes targeted investments in children to prepare them for future workforce needs in Kansas City. Amanda graduated from the University of Kansas in 1998 and has lived in Overland Park, KS for the past 17 years. She and her husband, Jason, have been married for 20 years and have two children.


“Amanda Adkins upholds the values and leadership that Maggie’s List looks for in effective and principled leaders. As a fiscal conservative, Amanda will work tirelessly to make sure Kansas’ future is protected and constitutional rights are upheld in Washington,” stated Sandra B. Mortham, Chairman of Maggie’s List and former elected Florida Secretary of State.