
September 22, 2020


Washington,D.C. — Maggie’s List, a federal political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing fiscally conservative women to federal office, is proud to announce the endorsement of Angela Stanton-King for Georgia’s 5th CongressionalDistrict.


Angela Stanton-King is the Founder of AmericanKing Foundation – whose mission is to reunite American families separated by mass incarceration with a pathway to justice, economic stability and relational wellness. She serves as the community outreach coordinator for The Alive Center – a place of help, hope and healing for hurting people. Angela is an active board member for Beacon Leadership Academy and an advisor for Cando Clemency and Alveda King Ministries. She is also the Georgia Regional State Coordinator for Coalition of Leaders United.


“I was raised in the fifth district so this is personal for me. I had serious obstacles to overcome and by the grace of God I was able to not only overcome them but today I’m in position to help others do the same,” states endorsed candidate Angela Stanton-King.  


“I’ve dedicated the past fifteen years to creating jobs, assisting families and empowering other entrepreneurs in this community. I’m not a traditional politician but that’s what makes me effective.I believe there is a direct correlation between job growth and crime reductions. I believe the police department and the communities must work together so the citizens feel safe in their neighborhoods. And lastly I am committed to working against the sexualization  of our children and doing everything in my power to decrease the child trafficking issues in our city. The fifth district has been under democratic leadership for over 100 years. It’s time for change. I’m prepared to earn this community’s trust if given a chance to fight for them,” continues Stanton-King.


Angela is a criminal justicer eform advocate who helped pass the First Step Act signed into law by PresidentDonald J. Trump on December 18, 2019. Her story of being chained to a bed during childbirth encouraged President Trump to enact laws making it illegal for women to be chained. The horrendous experience was well documented in her National Best-Selling Memoir Life of a RealHousewife (formerly Lies of a Real Housewife) in whichAngela set the record straight.


“Angela grew up in the 5th District she is seeking to represent. She has a solid historic picture of its people and offers a hopeful, common sense approach to the challenges that need to be addressed for real changes to occur,” states Maggie’s ListGeorgia State Chairman Suzi Voyles.