
October 8, 2020


Washington,D.C. — Maggie’s List, a federal political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing fiscally conservative women to federal office, is proud to announce the endorsement of Becky E. Hites for Georgia’s 13th Congressional district.


Becky E. Hites is the conservative candidate for Georgia’s13th Congressional district, which encompasses the western and southern suburbs of Atlanta. Becky is a Wall Street businesswoman whose company provides strategic consulting to the manufacturing industry. She chose to enter the political arena late last year because she believes this country was founded on Christian values and her family has a heritage of defending those values and our great country. In every conflict from the American Revolution to the Afghanistan and Iraq conflicts, Hites has had an ancestor or family member who made the honor and freedom and economic liberty of America their life’s priority.


“I am so humbled by the honor bestowed on me and the campaign from the Maggie’s List endorsement.  We deeply respect the mission of Maggie’s List and the role it’s played in many elections.  This validation will give others confidence that we can, and will, win this ‘impossible’ election,” statesBecky E. Hites, candidate endorsed by Maggie’s List.

Becky believes that Georgia’s 13th district deserves more effective leadership than its current representative. Hites believes there’s a battle for the heart and soul of our country and if we don’t stand up and fight for our inalienable rights, for the rule of law, for religious freedom, for the capitalistic economic system, for the rights of our unborn, for the rights o four children to a competitive education and for our constitution.


“Georgia's 13th Congressional District has not had effective leadership for more than a decade.The current representative is very nice but has done little to advance the interests and needs of his district. Becky E. Hites has the skill and the knowledge of working within Opportunity Districts to aggressively promote bringing industry and manufacturing that will provide jobs with good wages fo rits residents. It is time for a leader like Becky to help the 13th District emerge as another great place to live and work in Georgia,” states GeorgiaState Chair Suzi Voyles.