
August 9, 2017

Maggie’s List Proudly Endorses Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno for Governor of New Jersey: The First Ever Endorsement of an Executive Statewide Candidate


AUGUST 9, 2017


Maggie’s List Proudly Endorses Lieutenant
Governor Kim Guadagno for Governor of New Jersey:

The First Ever Endorsement of an
Executive Statewide Candidate

(Washington, DC) – Maggie’s List, a federal political action
committee dedicated to electing conservative women to office, is proud to
announce the first endorsement of a statewide candidate Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno
for the governor of New Jersey.

Lt. Gov. Kim won the primary election in 2016. She is
currently on track to become a part of history and join a select number of
fiscally conservative women who have had the opportunity to serve as governor.

“Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno is a proven leader who brings so much to
the state of New Jersey,” states Sandra B. Mortham, Chairman of Maggie’s List
and former Florida Secretary of State. “Her service in New Jersey, coupled with
her relentless leadership and work on issues that directly impact the citizens,
the businesses, the military installations and the environment of New Jersey,
make her the right candidate to represent the state’s citizens and interests as

Lieutenant Governor Kim
states, "I am honored and humbled to be the first statewide and
gubernatorial candidate endorsed by Maggie’s List. This important endorsement
shows the national attention and interest in our campaign to create a more
affordable New Jersey."

“Lt. Gov. Guadagno upholds
the values and leadership that Maggie’s List aspires for our country to have.
As a fiscal conservative, Kim will bring Main Street values to the governor's
office and she advocates for lower property taxes so that families can afford
to stay in New Jersey,” states Sandra B. Mortham.

Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno is a dedicated
mother of three, a community leader, and an outstanding citizen. For years Lt
Gov. Kim has dedicated her life to serving those around her. In 2007 Lt. Gov. Guadagno
was elected the first woman sheriff in Monmouth County. She has served the
people of New Jersey as the assistant attorney general and is currently serving
as the lieutenant governor. Kim was elected in 2009 and re-elected in 2013. She
has worked tirelessly as the lieutenant governor to recruit new businesses and
plan for the expansion of military bases in New Jersey. As governor of New
Jersey, Kim will make New Jersey affordable by lowering property taxes and
bring Main Street values to office.

currently hold only six governor’s seats. Currently four of the six women serving
as governors are fiscal conservatives. Throughout history, only 39 women have
ever served as governor in 28 states. This abysmal number is
something that Maggie’s List works to correct to by electing fiscally
conservative women to the U.S. House, Senate and now governor’s offices.


About Maggie’s List:  

List is a federal PAC created to raise awareness and funds to increase the
number of conservative women elected to federal public office. Since 2010, this
national group of dedicated women have had an outstanding record for endorsing successful
candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Maggie’s List
supports women candidates who stand for fiscal conservatism, less government,
more personal responsibility and strong national security. For more information
on Maggie’s List, please visit
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