
February 14, 2018

Maggie's List Proudly Endorses Lynne Blankenbeker for New Hampshire's 2nd Congressional District


February 14, 2018  


Maggie’s List
Proudly Endorses

Lynne Blankenbeker

Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District

A Veteran,
Nurse and Attorney Ready to

Take on


Maggie’s List, a federal political
action committee dedicated to electing conservative women to office, is proud
to announce the endorsement of Lynne Blankenbeker for New Hampshire’s 2nd
Congressional District. Lynne is ready to tackle the issues that directly
impact the citizens of New Hampshire.  


As a fiscal conservative, Lynne
understands the effects of high taxes on the families of NH-02. Lynne has
served New Hampshire in multiple capacities. In 2009 she was elected to the New
Hampshire House of Representatives. Lynne is running to not only be a voice, but to end the
rhetorical games that are being played in Washington so that we can ensure a
better future for our states and communities.


“Lynne Blankenbeker
is a proven leader who brings dedication and heart to New Hampshire’s 2nd
Congressional District,” states Sandra B. Mortham, Chairman of Maggie’s List
and former Florida Secretary of State. “We know Lynne is the right person to
represent New Hampshire in Washington because she respects the need for
increased personal responsibility, fiscal conservatism, and will fight so that
the citizens of New Hampshire are heard in Washington.”


"I am beyond thrilled
to be endorsed by Maggie's List, and I appreciate all the work they do to help elect fiscally conservative
women across the country. It is truly an
honor to be supported by an organization that shares my conservative views on national security, limited
government and a balanced budget,” states
Lynne Blankenbeker.


has dedicated her life to serving her country, her family and her community.
Once Lynne graduated nursing school, she was commissioned as a 2nd
Lieutenant in the Air Force. Lynne has endured multiple deployments, including
Operation Iraqi Freedom. In 2012, Lynne could not run for re-election because
she was called to serve her country in Afghanistan. Lynne currently serves as a key healthcare
policy adviser at the Pentagon and Defense Health Headquarters.


“I want to thank Maggie’s List for endorsing
Lynne.  I am thrilled to have a highly-qualified woman running for CD2 in
New Hampshire who is prepared to take on and to retire Annie Kuster.
 Lynne’s leadership experience in the military is exemplary.  Combined
with her experience as a State Representative, she is well-prepared to serve
the residents of New Hampshire and to work with the conservative majority in
Congress,” states Maggie’s List New Hampshire chair, Jan Face Glassman.


About Maggie’s

Maggie's List is a
federal PAC created to raise awareness and funds to increase the number of
conservative women elected to federal public office. Since 2010, this national
group of dedicated women have had an outstanding record for endorsing
successful candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives.
Maggie’s List supports women candidates who stand for fiscal conservatism, less
government, more personal responsibility and strong national security. For more
information on Maggie’s List, please visit, follow @maggieslist1 and like