
March 3, 2020

Maggie’s List’s Jennifer Carroll Joined Newsmax TV and One American News Network

Washington, D.C. –Maggie’s List’s national spokeswoman and Former Florida Lieutenant Governor Jennifer Carroll recently joined Newsmax and One America News to discuss important topics like the black vote, the Afghan peace deal, and beyond.


“The bottom line is, blacks across the board are conservative in nature – economic, education, family values, Christianity and so therefore they’re looking at the discretionary income that they have right now. They’re looking at the economic employments that they’ve been able to enjoy under Donald Trump and they’re going to see all those candidates are talking about taking away something from them and not having the economic advancements they’ve enjoyed in the last three years. So, the bottom line is going to be the green – it’s not going to beDemocrat or Republican in this 2020 Election. It’s going to be who will be able to put forward policies to be able to make me bring home more money so I can put it into the pocket of my family.” - Carroll on Newsmax TV


“He’s gone directly to the people to find out what the people want and he’s enacted policies that will benefit the people. So that’s one thing that the Republican Party as a whole and candidates should do is realize that they’re not running for themselves, they’re running to represent the people.” Carroll on OANN


The full video clip can be found here: Maggie's List Spokeswoman Jennifer CarrollJoins Newsmax TV and Maggie's List Spokeswomen Jennifer Carroll Joins OAN


Since the election of President Trump in 2016, Maggie’s List has seen a rise in the number of conservative women running for office. In light of the #MeToo movement, women’s activism is more important than ever. The outstanding women, endorsed to date by Maggie’s List, have a path to victory, combined with positive policy positions that stand in stark contrast to the anger and vitriol from the left that is attempting to tear our nation apart.


According to the Center for American Women and Politics, 59.3% of eligible women reported they voted during the 2016 election, yet only hold 23.7% of 535 seats in the U.S House andSenate. Maggie’s List mission is to equalize those numbers and empower women to take a stand and run for what they believe in.


About Maggie’s List:

Maggie's List is a federal PAC created to raise awareness and funds to increase the number of conservative women elected to federal public office. Since 2010, this national group of dedicated women have had an outstanding record for endorsing successful candidates for U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives. Maggie’s List supports women candidates who stand for fiscal conservatism, less government, more personal responsibility and strong national security. For more information on Maggie’sList, please visit, follow @maggieslist1 and