
August 19, 2020


Washington, D.C. — Maggie’s List, a federal political action committee (PAC) dedicated to electing fiscally conservative women to federal office, is proud to announce the endorsement of Yvette Herrell for NewMexico’s 2nd District.

Born and raised in New Mexico,Yvette Herrell served for 4 terms in the New Mexico House ofRepresentatives, and is a candidate for U.S. Congress in the 2nd District.As a member of the New Mexico House, Yvette worked to put people before politics, championing free markets and carrying our values to Santa Fe. Yvette values hard work and determination, and uniquely understands that rural NewMexico faces challenges that are often overlooked.


“Maggie’sList is thrilled to endorse Yvette Herrell. Yvette knows first-hand the representation New Mexico’s 2nd district needs in Washington,” states Maggie’sList National Chair and former elected Florida Secretary of State, Sandra Mortham. “Yvette understands that our country needs more fiscal conservatism, personal responsibility, a strong national security and more personal responsibility.”


An entrepreneur who has owned and operated several successful small businesses, Yvette knows that big government is not the answer.She stood against overbearing regulations and government overreach in Santa Fe, which is why Yvette was awarded as a Hero of the Year by the NewMexico Business Coalition in 2015 and was ranked #1 on the Rio GrandeFoundation's Freedom Index in 2018. 


“I want to thank Maggie’s List for standing with our campaign to flip New Mexico’s Second Congressional District.With their support, we will take back this seat and begin to restore our values of limited government and fiscal conservatism to Congress,” states Herrell, candidate endorsed by Maggie’s List.


Endorsed by both former Democratic CongressmanHarry Teague and former Republican Congressman Steve Pearce, who together represented New Mexico's Second District for 16 of the last 18 years, Yvette will take New Mexico values to Congress and work across party lines to  the economy, defend the Constitution and secure the border.